"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it."
Henry Ford
Monday, January 31, 2011
Quote of the Week
"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it."
Henry Ford
Henry Ford
All About Gre
The GRE® General Test measures verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills that have been acquired over a long period of time and that are not related to any specific field of study. The GRE® Subject Tests gauge undergraduate achievement in eight specific fields of study.
GRE verbal and quantitative scores and undergraduate grade point average were evaluated as predictors of multiple measures of long-term graduate school success.
The GRE General Test measures critical thinking, analytical writing, verbal reasoning, and quantitative reasoning skills that have been acquired over a long period of time and that are not related to any specific field of study.
Analytical Writing - The skills measured include the test taker's ability to
* articulate complex ideas clearly and effectively
* examine claims and accompanying evidence
* support ideas with relevant reasons and examples
* sustain a well-focused, coherent discussion
* control the elements of standard written English.
Verbal Reasoning - The skills measured include the test taker's ability to
* analyze and evaluate written material and synthesize information obtained from it
* analyze relationships among component parts of sentences
* recognize relationships between words and concepts.
Quantitative Reasoning - The skills measured include the test taker's ability to
* understand basic concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis
* reason quantitatively
* solve problems in a quantitative setting.
Who Takes GRE and Why?
Prospective graduate applicants take the General Test. GRE test scores are used by admissions or fellowship panels to supplement undergraduate records and other qualifications for graduate study. The scores provide common measures for comparing the qualifications of applicants and aid in evaluating grades and recommendations.
The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) are the tests taken by individuals who aspire to go to graduate schools of USA Universities, to pursue Masters or Doctorate in the Sciences or Humanities area of study. GRE is administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). The GRE is only one of the many and yet an important criterion required by graduate schools to measure an individuals application. The examination is intended to measure the skills that one has obtained during high school and in college.
The GRE® General Test measures verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills that have been acquired over a long period of time and that are not related to any specific field of study. The GRE® Subject Tests gauge undergraduate achievement in eight specific fields of study.
GRE verbal and quantitative scores and undergraduate grade point average were evaluated as predictors of multiple measures of long-term graduate school success.
The GRE General Test measures critical thinking, analytical writing, verbal reasoning, and quantitative reasoning skills that have been acquired over a long period of time and that are not related to any specific field of study.
Analytical Writing - The skills measured include the test taker's ability to
* articulate complex ideas clearly and effectively
* examine claims and accompanying evidence
* support ideas with relevant reasons and examples
* sustain a well-focused, coherent discussion
* control the elements of standard written English.
Verbal Reasoning - The skills measured include the test taker's ability to
* analyze and evaluate written material and synthesize information obtained from it
* analyze relationships among component parts of sentences
* recognize relationships between words and concepts.
Quantitative Reasoning - The skills measured include the test taker's ability to
* understand basic concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis
* reason quantitatively
* solve problems in a quantitative setting.
Who Takes GRE and Why?
Prospective graduate applicants take the General Test. GRE test scores are used by admissions or fellowship panels to supplement undergraduate records and other qualifications for graduate study. The scores provide common measures for comparing the qualifications of applicants and aid in evaluating grades and recommendations.
The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) are the tests taken by individuals who aspire to go to graduate schools of USA Universities, to pursue Masters or Doctorate in the Sciences or Humanities area of study. GRE is administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). The GRE is only one of the many and yet an important criterion required by graduate schools to measure an individuals application. The examination is intended to measure the skills that one has obtained during high school and in college.
Over all Test Tactics
- Learn the section directions now. Use the time saved during the test to work on questions.
Be especially careful in the first portion of every section. Successful answers to the earliest questions will lead to higher scores. - You can write on the scratch paper provided. You can also remember to bring some extra scratch paper. Use the process of elimination to cross out wrong answers; do scratch work.
- Easy questions usually precede hard ones.
- Double check your work and answer before you click on the screen bubble. You cannot skip any question and you cannot go back after you've answered a question.
- Answer every question, making educated guesses if you have to. Just try to eliminate one or more choices before guessing.
- Don't spend too much time on any one question. You should spend only seconds on the easiest questions, and hesitate to spend more than 1-2 minutes on even the hardest ones.
- Bring a watch to the test center. You can't be guaranteed that there'll be a working clock there.
Don't bring a calculator since you're not allowed to use one. - Bring a couple of IDs to the test center. Make sure at least one of the pictures actually looks like you. Also bring any authorization voucher you may have received from the Educational Testing Service.
- Read the words in the question carefully. Be sure to answer the question asked and not the question you recall from a practice test.
Know the Question Types to Expect on the GRE: * analogies * sentence completion * reading comprehension * math multiple-choices * quantitative comparison
Last Day tips for MAT Exam
Now MAT is coming and it’s important that you get serious and prepare well, here we are giving you some tips for preparing for MAT.
Break Exam day
1. Expectation of the Paper:
Don’t be sure of the format of the question paper this year because this year in CAT exam also none of us had any idea about the format. Hence please always remember that going into an exam with a fixed mind set does not help a lot.
2. Cracking the First question: Try to solve first few questions correctly which will give you the boost for rest of the paper and help you in your confidence level. It could be a good strategy to solve the GK towards the end rather than at the beginning because of the above reason. Also the issue of a person being fresh also adds credence to this point
3. MAT is Different : Traditionally MAT was the same format as CAT, but over the last few years there has been a consious decision to differentiate between XLRI and IIMs. Hence please be very careful in the preparation for this exam as the format and the content of this exam is vastly different from CAT.It’s preferable to arrive at the exam hall well in advance for the exam . Even had a short nap also!!! Though we would not advice the nap, please get to the Exam hall atleast 30 minutes in advance. Also the standard advice of pencils and erasers should hold true.
One final experience, when you attended the MAT exam, don’t get at first ’’ Pschyed out ’’ looking at the crowd. But please remember that not all the people who shall appear will have put in the same effort as you have and be always confident of cracking the exam.
Good Luck for MAT exam.
Common Personal Interview Questions
Though there is no dearth of articles on interview etiquette, there is an actual shortage of good articles on the most crucial factor in an interview — the interviewer’s questions and your answers. Many problems candidates have include nervousness and stammering in an interview, which is directly related to the candidate’s unfamiliarity with the questions and a general lack of preparation.TCYonline.com experts present for the readers of Rediff.com, a few of the most commonly asked interview questions. There are no ready-made answers to the questions, instead, the attempt is to try to help you arrive at the correct answer yourself, so that you sound natural and coherent in an interview. Ultimately, an interview is a mirror to see your inner self and a subjective, specific and honest presentation is the key to success.
Q. Tell me some thing about yourself.
This is how most interviews begin and this is one question you cannot afford to be unprepared for.
To frame a good answer it is always helpful to know what is it that the interviewer wants to know about you. An interviewer would like to know.
~ Your educational background
~ Your work experience, if any
~ Your strengths and achievements
~ About your family background
~ About where you are coming from academically, professionally
You should be short and crisp about all the points mentioned above. If the interviewer needs an elaboration s/he will ask you.
Q. Why do you want to join this institute?
This is one question you should answer honestly and pragmatically. Ideally you should choose an institute based on certain criteria. Such as
~ Ranking/ placements
~ Courses offered
~ Fee
~ Location
It is good to do a little research on the institute, its placements and about certain specialisation(s) it may be known for. An informed analysis of the institute can convince the interviewer that you are sincerely interested. It also helps you in identifying parameters critical for you while choosing the particular institute.
Q. Which other institutes have you applied to?
This is a question that is very much linked to the previous question. For example, if you say that you had chosen IRMA because you have a flair for Rural Marketing and while answering this question you don’t mention the name of other institutes known to offer quality course in Rural Marketing you are in trouble. So these two questions are to be prepared simultaneously avoiding conflicts in answers.
Q. How will you add value to this institute if you make it through?
This is an opportunity to showcase your strengths but remember it is essential that your strengths should be supported by related achievements.
Your background and circumstances can also be your strengths and can be used as equally important points in supporting your answer.
Remember, an achievement doesn’t necessarily mean a prize. It can also be your successfully coming out of a crisis situation or you managing to run a small project with your friends.
Q. What do you consider your biggest failure?
CAUTION: This is not an opportunity to pour out your darkest secrets. This is a question that is best played down. For example, if you are overweight, you may mention — “I have been trying to shed weight for the last few years but couldn’t do it still.” The answer should be framed so that it does not reflect badly on your career thus far, or your future career.
Another way of answering would be a smart statement: “I have never allowed failure to drag me down. I just got up, took my lesson and picked my way forward.” Here it would help to have a certain experience picked out.
Q. Why have you chosen this career?
This is an area where a mature and realistic answer is expected. People choose their career based on several reasons, such as:
~ What is your aptitude?
~ What kind of a social, professional and personal environment do you desire?
~ What is your background and achievements?
~ What motivates you?
~ What activities do you enjoy?
Q. What is the last book you read?
Many experts would tell you that you should know the ins and out of the books and everything about the author and his writing style. If you know these facts, it can’t hurt, but if you are not the kind of a person who would research the background and other facts about books, but read for fun, it is okay to mention it. The only thing is that your answer should be natural, convincing and rational.
For example, if the interviewer asks you for more detail about the author you may just reply.
“I’m sorry but I haven’t read much about the author. But I liked this book because…”
Q. How will your contribute to this campus if we select you?
This is a question that directly relates to your strengths and aspiration. Take this as an opportunity to showcase the various qualities that you possess which may benefit the college, academically, culturally or in any other way.
Q. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
This is not when you start throwing in fancy designations. Instead, concentrate on the kind of roles people in those designations are expected to play. If the question specifically asks for your professional goals then stick to it, otherwise it is a good idea to balance it with your personal goals.
Q. Who is your role model?
Your role model can be anyone a public figure or even someone from your family. It is a good idea to know a lot about the person you would make your role model. It is important to focus on the qualities that inspire you and how you try to inculcate those qualities in yourself. It is always important to tell why s/he is different from her/his peers.
Q. Do your have any questions for me?In a nutshell, an interview just analyses how balanced and rational you are. So, just be yourself! Preparing yourself for the questions listed above will give you the confidence to handle even unexpected questions. You should ideally write down your answer to these questions (but please don’t try to mug up answers you think would be ‘ideal’) and practice giving interviews along these lines with a friend.
“No” would be a bad answer. It is good to have a few questions that relate to the academic and cultural environment of the institution. This will show your enthusiasm.
CAT exam preparation tips
Few tips from my side to crack the Cat-
2- If you completed Graduation and ready to give the Cat in next coming November, Prepare ar least 10-14 hours daily and seriously.4- Minimum 10,000 Vocabulary (new databank) required to prepare.
5- Daily two hours required to study newspapers and Editorials. (English)6- Read at least two magazines, one novel each week.7- Try for the shortcuts of mathematics. Calculations must be strong.8- See any type of graph in any where you find, try to interpret that as fast as possible.9- Change your attitude. Make one decision strictly. And only try for right decision or don’t answer in case of ambiguity.
10- Read whatever you love. But try to read on different subjects articles.
11- Before three months of Cat, Daily solve one set of available question paper.
12- Try to make logical sense everywhere.
13- Try to solve calculations mentally.
How to select right Coaching for CAT or MBA exams
The first thig which one looks for if they are giving CAT for the first time is which coaching institute to join.
Usually people join one among the big ones like TIME, IMS or CL depending on
1) Which is nearest to their place
2) What their friends are joining
3) How many students have successfull cracked CAT from that coaching.
1) What you can do as an aspirant is get to know few students who are studying in these clases before joining one.
2) There is huge difference for the same coaching institute from city to city and sometimes place to place.
3) If you don’t know anyone then go around some forum (Cat4mba, totalgadha, pagalguy, solidgyan etc) for CAT and you always ask people there about the coaching institute.
4) Join atleast 2 test series and analyze the test after giving them, which will let you know more about strength weakness and stratagy.
5) For solving quant which is usually the nemesis for most of the people writing CAT, try soom books like QA by Nisit k. sinha or QA by Arun Sharma. Both these books are great.
I think all these will help in makin a more informed choice before joining any coaching than just joining for the sake of it. Choose the right business school, focus on those exams, and choose one or multiple coaching methods as customized to your own need and self-assessment. This will be the first and one of the most crucial decisions for your entrance preparations. Above all, work diligently and at a steady pace, and success will only be an exam away.
Usually people join one among the big ones like TIME, IMS or CL depending on

2) What their friends are joining
3) How many students have successfull cracked CAT from that coaching.
There are various types of coaching institutes and the only thing common is they all promise you success. Every year, the Indian Institutes of Management churn out more than one thousand five hundred graduates. The past ten years would alone have seen some ten thousand IIM-certified MBAs entering the market. So take all the claims as good examples of marketing and pick through what works for you best.
The types of coaching institutes are: -
Mass Coaching Institutes - They admit everyone, charge a fee and use a combination of classroom and written material. This approach is a relatively less-risky approach, as most people would want to join institutes that claim to have hundreds of success stories over the years. Remember what matters is your own success and the student needs just one seat in the right MBA institute. Try and check the percentage success rate of the institute as in how many candidates successful as a percentage of the total seats admitted. If you have specific weaknesses in one of the individual sections mentioned above, you can go in for specialized coaching.
Specialized Coaching - Generally, mathematics or numerical ability is one area where people prefer specialized coaching as this is the skill that basically needs to be re-learnt as the exams are of the level of high-school mathematics but need to be done in accuracy as possible. Specialized coaching institutes generally conduct exams to offer a limited number of seats, and this is also because they are unable to provide educational infrastructure for all
Postal Coaching for Written Exams - The need for postal coaching is because it is relatively less expensive and also offers you flexibility to set your own pace.
Coaching Only for Group Discussions / Interviews - Once cleared with your exams, you can go in for polishing your soft-skills and hone your initial impressions by attending these coaching programs.
Using More Than One Institute / Coaching Material - An optimized approach works best, as each coaching institute’s curriculum has its own strength and weakness. Some institutes are very good for English Comprehension Skills while others are better for Mathematics-related studies. The best approach is a hybrid-approach which uses sample papers from previous years, study materials from more than one institute and mock tests. To cut down on expenses, you can form a study group that shares study material. It is best if you take in a lot of feedback from ex-students of coaching institutes to spot the relative merits and demerits of each one. This is best done if you take time on this activity as it is important and maybe even crucial for eventual success.
What to do :-1) What you can do as an aspirant is get to know few students who are studying in these clases before joining one.
2) There is huge difference for the same coaching institute from city to city and sometimes place to place.
3) If you don’t know anyone then go around some forum (Cat4mba, totalgadha, pagalguy, solidgyan etc) for CAT and you always ask people there about the coaching institute.
4) Join atleast 2 test series and analyze the test after giving them, which will let you know more about strength weakness and stratagy.
5) For solving quant which is usually the nemesis for most of the people writing CAT, try soom books like QA by Nisit k. sinha or QA by Arun Sharma. Both these books are great.
I think all these will help in makin a more informed choice before joining any coaching than just joining for the sake of it. Choose the right business school, focus on those exams, and choose one or multiple coaching methods as customized to your own need and self-assessment. This will be the first and one of the most crucial decisions for your entrance preparations. Above all, work diligently and at a steady pace, and success will only be an exam away.
How to prapare for CAT exam
As the exam nears, you will need to create a plan to help you study effectively and minimize stress. The first step is to figure out how much time and effort you must dedicate to studying for the exam by asking the following questions:
Coachings are helpful for Cat. They will teach you some shortcut methods and you will get chance to appear in Mock Cats. It is tough to say for best coaching. It completely depends on faculty. Before joining any coaching classes, first consult to students who are already joined.
So doing, one time hard work will make your fortune. What is your attitude………….
If any further question come in your mind, plz drop in comments. I will try best for you dear
- How much material do you need to cover?
- How difficult is the material?
- How much time is available?
- Do you have any other priorities during the study period?
- What is the format of the exam?
- How important is the exam?
- What is your performance target for the exam?

- budget your time realistically;
- allocate the study time into several manageable study sessions;
- divide the course material into small segments and assign them to the study sessions;
- set clear and specific goals for the study sessions;
- prioritize to ensure that material weighted more heavily in the exam gets sufficient study time;
- take into account your familiarity with the material and the difficulty level;
- don’t make the study sessions too long;
- study sessions should have enough variety in terms of topics and activities to prevent boredom and loss of effectiveness;
- avoid cramming before the exam; and
- Don’t forget to include regular breaks.
Coachings are helpful for Cat. They will teach you some shortcut methods and you will get chance to appear in Mock Cats. It is tough to say for best coaching. It completely depends on faculty. Before joining any coaching classes, first consult to students who are already joined.
So doing, one time hard work will make your fortune. What is your attitude………….
If any further question come in your mind, plz drop in comments. I will try best for you dear
Sunday, January 30, 2011
ANKOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES AND CONSULTANTS, INC. - Job opening for 3 Lady Driver / Nanny in Doha, Qatar. Qualified applicants may visit POEA recruitment agency address below.
POEA License Number: 104-LB-041708-R
Advertised: 28-01-11 | Closing Date: 29-03-11
Prospective Principal/Project: KAMAL FARAG
* Candidate must possess at least a High School Diploma, Vocational Diploma / Short Course Certificate.
* At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Doha.
* Age not more than 35 years old
* Must be hard working.
* Can work with minimum supervision.
* With good communication skills.
* 3 positions available.
POEA License Number: 104-LB-041708-R
Advertised: 28-01-11 | Closing Date: 29-03-11
Prospective Principal/Project: KAMAL FARAG
* Candidate must possess at least a High School Diploma, Vocational Diploma / Short Course Certificate.
* At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Doha.
* Age not more than 35 years old
* Must be hard working.
* Can work with minimum supervision.
* With good communication skills.
* 3 positions available.
Telephone Numbers : 7222178/7228854/7259933
Website : NA
Official Representative : EVARISTO A. TECSON
Status : Good Standing
License Validity : 3/8/2008 to 3/7/2012
Saturday, January 29, 2011
The World’s Top 50 Universities
These rankings are based on the statistics collected by MSN Education.
Harvard forfeits first place to the University of Cambridge in a league table of the world’s top institutions, the first time in the list’s seven year history that the Ivy League university has been knocked off the number one spot
The QS table is based on measures of research quality, graduate employability, teaching and how international the faculties and student bodies are.
Harvard was still most popular among the 5,000 employers polled worldwide, but Cambridge was voted best for research quality in a survey of 15,000 academics and took overall first place. The rankings also use citation counts from a database of academic publishing.
Here are the top 50 Universities of the world.
Harvard was still most popular among the 5,000 employers polled worldwide, but Cambridge was voted best for research quality in a survey of 15,000 academics and took overall first place. The rankings also use citation counts from a database of academic publishing.
Here are the top 50 Universities of the world.
- Cambridge University
- Harvard University
- Yale University
- University College London
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Oxford
- Imperial College London
- University of Chicago
- Princeton University
- Columbia University
- Columbia University
- University of Pennsylvania
- Stanford University
- Duke University
- University of Michigan
- Cornell University
- John Hopkins University
- McGill University
- ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
- Australian National University (ANU)
- King’s College London (KCL)
- University of Edinburgh
- University of Hong Kong (HKU)
- The University of Tokyo
- Kyoto University
- Northwestern University
- University of Bristol
- University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
- University of Toronto
- University of Manchester
- National University of Singapore (NUS)
- École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
- École Normale Supérieure de Paris (ENS Paris)
- Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
- University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
- École Polytechnique, ParisTech
- University of Sydney
- University of Melbourne
- Brown University
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
- New York University (NYU)
- Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
- The University of Queensland (UQ)
- The University of British Columbia (UBC)
- University of Copenhagen
- University of New South Wales (UNSW)
- Peking University
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Osaka University
- Seoul National University (SNU)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Sara International Manpower Services, Inc. - Nanny in Saudi Arabia - JEDDAH
Sara International Manpower Services, Inc. - Nanny jobs is now open for your application in Jeddah. If you interested for this job vacancy,apply and visit the POEA recruitment agency address below.
POEA License Number: 216-LB-092507-R
Advertised: 28-01-11 | Closing Date: 29-03-11
Prospective Principal/Project: MRS. MUNA JUFFALI
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's/College Degree.
* At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants must be willing to work in JEDDAH.
* Age 25 - 35 years old
* Must be hard working.
* Can work with minimum supervision.
* With good communication skills.
* Full-Time positions available.
POEA License Number: 216-LB-092507-R
Advertised: 28-01-11 | Closing Date: 29-03-11
Prospective Principal/Project: MRS. MUNA JUFFALI
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's/College Degree.
* At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants must be willing to work in JEDDAH.
* Age 25 - 35 years old
* Must be hard working.
* Can work with minimum supervision.
* With good communication skills.
* Full-Time positions available.
Location Address: S7(GF), 22, 23 and 25 (2F) MIDLAND PLAZA, M.ADRIATICO ERMITA, MANILA
Telephone Numbers: 5284620 TO 22/ 4050292
Official Representative: MARICAR J. MONZON
Status: Good Standing
License Validity: 10/11/2007 to 10/10/2011
Job Promotion Cover Letter
ob Promotion Cover Letter Example
By Assoy The Boy Fly
hen you're being considered for a job promotion, you may need to write a cover letter to officially apply for the new position. A job promotion cover letter should clearly explain why you are qualified for the position and should review the experience you have with the company.
Don't presume that the hiring manager or department manager reviewing your qualifications will know your background. That's especially true when applying for a promotion at a large company.Sample Job Promotion Cover Letter
Dear Mr. or Ms. Last Name,
I would like to formally apply for the Assistant Communications Manager position in the Corporate Communications Department. As you are aware, I have extensive experience with the company starting when I participated the summer editorial intern program while I was in college.
Since then I have held positions in the both the Human Resources and Marketing departments. During my tenure I have developed exceptional writing and editing skills, and have designed and implemented communications strategies on a departmental level.
I have a demonstrated ability to work collegially with leaders across business units and lines of business. In addition, I have been responsible for benefits communications, employee relations, as well as liaisoning with the company's clients and vendors.
These are just a few examples of my accomplishments,. I hope that you will find that this brief view, in combination with the attached resume, describe a dedicated employee of ABCD with the experience and skills to meet or exceed the requirements of the position of Assistant Communications Manager.
I appreciate your consideration and looking forward to discussing this opportunity for promotion with you at your convenience.
Best Regards,
Your Name
Customized Cover Letter Example
Customized Cover Letter for a Career Change
By Assoy The Boy Fly
Customized Cover Letter Example
This cover letter, contributed by Mike O'Brien, Major Account Manager, Wellesley Information Services, was recognized by the hiring manager as the best example of approaching a career change and customized job search.Review more cover letter samples, a sample formatted customized cover letter and advice on how to write a custom cover letter.
Your Contact Information
City, State, Zip Code
Phone Number
Cell Phone Number
Employer Contact Information
City, State, Zip Code
Dear Mr./Ms. LastName
I am applying for the Inside Sales position posted on Boston.Monster.com. At your convenience, I'd appreciate the opportunity to discuss the position and my candidacy with you. You can find my resume attached to this e-mail.
I am looking to bring my well-honed public relations, marketing, and client-focused online, oral, and interpersonal communication skills internally to succeed in an inside sales position.
Pertinent experience and skills for the posted position include:
*The power of persuasion. I’ve pitched stories for C-level executives via phone and e-mail and placed them in major media outlets, such as MSNBC, CIO Magazine, Sirius Satellite Radio, MSN Money, AARP Bulletin, and The New York Daily News.
*The ability to reach key audiences. As a journalist, I published stories in key print and online media, including CareerJournal.com, CollegeJournal.com and StartupJournal.com (online publications of The Wall Street Journal), Consumers Digest, Woman's Day, and ePregnancy Magazine. As a copywriter, my work has been used in e-mail marketing, online and offline advertisements, blogs, brochures, taglines, and Web sites.
*Strong financial aptitude (My experience includes a little over a decade in the accounting profession in external and internal client-facing environments.)
*B.S. in Accounting from Southern New Hampshire University, with a Minor in Management Information Systems.
*Relevant computer skills (Microsoft products, HTML, etc.).
*Good listener...Solid work ethic...Desire to excel...Meet deadlines...Enjoy a fast-paced environment...Extraordinary factual recall...
I'd love to find out more about the position you're looking to fill, and I would welcome the opportunity to tell you how my skills and ideas can benefit Wellesley Information Services. I can be reached at (5555) 555-5555 or name@gmail.com.
Thanks for your consideration; I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Your Signature
Your Typed Name
Cover Letter Layout
It's important to properly space the layout of the cover letters you send, with space between the heading, the greeting, each paragraph, the closing, and your signature. Single space your letter and leave a space between each paragraph. Left justify your letter.
Use a simple font like Arial, Verdana, or Times New Roman.
Cover Letter Layout
Cover Letter Layout
Copyright Alison Doyle Contact InformationThe first section of your cover letter should include information on how the employer can contact you. If you have contact information for the employer, include that. Otherwise, just list your information.
Your Contact Information
Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your Phone Number
Your Email Address
Employer Contact Information
City, State, Zip Code
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:
First Paragraph:
The first paragraph of your cover letter should include information on the position you are applying for, including the job title.
(space between paragraphs)
Middle Paragraph(s):
The next section of your cover letter should describe what you have to offer the employer. Mention why you are qualifed for the job and how your skills and experience are a match for the position for which you are applying.
(space between paragraphs)
Final Paragraph:
Conclude your cover letter by thanking the employer for considering you for the position. Include information on how you will follow-up.
Sincerely yours,
(double space)
Handwritten Signature (for a mailed letter)
(double space)
Typed Signature
Cover Letter Format
The following cover letter format lists the information you need to include in the cover letter you submit with your resume. Use this cover letter format as a guideline to create customized cover letters to send to employers.
Then, review cover letter samples and a cover letter template you can use to write your own cover letters.
City, State, Zip Code
Phone Number
Email Address
Employer Contact Information (if you have it)
City, State, Zip Code
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name, (leave out if you don't have a contact)
Body of Cover Letter
The body of your cover letter lets the employer know what position you are applying for, why the employer should select you for an interview, and how you will follow-up.
First Paragraph
The first paragraph of your letter should include information on why you are writing. Mention the position you are applying for and where you found the job listing. Include the name of a mutual contact, if you have one.
Middle Paragraph(s)
The next section of your cover letter should describe what you have to offer the employer. Mention specifically how your qualifications match the job you are applying for. Remember, you are interpreting your resume, not repeating it.
Final Paragraph
Conclude your cover letter by thanking the employer for considering you for the position. Include information on how you will follow-up.
Complimentary Close
Respectfully yours,
Handwritten Signature (for a mailed letter)
Typed Signature
Sample Formatted Cover Letters and Email Cover Letters
Here are examples of cover letters and cover letter email messages formats including formatted targeted cover letters, general cover letters, and email cover letter messages.
Then, review cover letter samples and a cover letter template you can use to write your own cover letters.
Cover Letter Format
Your Contact InformationName
City, State, Zip Code
Phone Number
Email Address
Employer Contact Information (if you have it)
City, State, Zip Code
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name, (leave out if you don't have a contact)
Body of Cover Letter
The body of your cover letter lets the employer know what position you are applying for, why the employer should select you for an interview, and how you will follow-up.
First Paragraph
The first paragraph of your letter should include information on why you are writing. Mention the position you are applying for and where you found the job listing. Include the name of a mutual contact, if you have one.
Middle Paragraph(s)
The next section of your cover letter should describe what you have to offer the employer. Mention specifically how your qualifications match the job you are applying for. Remember, you are interpreting your resume, not repeating it.
Final Paragraph
Conclude your cover letter by thanking the employer for considering you for the position. Include information on how you will follow-up.
Complimentary Close
Respectfully yours,
Handwritten Signature (for a mailed letter)
Typed Signature
Sample Formatted Cover Letters and Email Cover Letters
Here are examples of cover letters and cover letter email messages formats including formatted targeted cover letters, general cover letters, and email cover letter messages.
Sample Acting Resumes
Sample Acting Resumes
Ken McCoy actor Chair Dept. of Communication Studies & Theatre Arts Stetson University 421 N. Woodland Blvd., Unit 8374 DeLand, FL 32723 386-822-7528 (office) Height: 5.7 Weight: 250 Brown Hair, Green Eyes Baritone kmccoy@stetson.edu Film Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector (feature film) The Waterboy (feature film) Sex & Guilt: A Man’s Tale (ind. feature) [...]
Sample Acting Resume 2
Barrett Scroggs 404.725.7467; 1614 Springer Street Columbus, GA 31901; Barrett.Scroggs@Gmail.com Professional Goal My goal is to continually allow myself to grow as a Theatre Educator while I assist young people to challenge their creativity and to maintain learning. Education Pursuing BsEd, Theatre Education, Columbus State University, Expected Graduation: Fall 2009 Acting Experience The Musical Comedy [...]
Sample Acting Resume 3
WIL KILROY Agency: Talent Management Associates 207-251-0794 Height: 5′9″ Weight: 160 Suit: 40R (207)415-1687 Cell/Voice Mail (207)780-5394 Office/Voice Mail (207)642-4962 Machine Eyes: Blue Hair: Lt. Brown Voice: Baritone TELEVISION The Brotherhood of Poland, NH Babylon 5 The Victim The Bold and The Beautiful All My Children As The World Turns CBS TNT IND CBS ABC [...]
Sample Acting Resume 4
Sample Acting Resume Valerie Ann Lara-Official Acting Resume Contact Information: • Austin, TX • E-mail: valvixen888@yahoo.com Acting qualifications Played Alice in “Who Dun It?” in the fall of 2000 Played Roxanne in “Cyrano De Bergerac” in the spring of 2001 Played Beatrice in “Much Ado About Nothing” in the Spring of 2002 Played Sister Simplicity, [...]
Sample Acting Resumes
Ken McCoy actor Chair Dept. of Communication Studies & Theatre Arts Stetson University 421 N. Woodland Blvd., Unit 8374 DeLand, FL 32723 386-822-7528 (office) Height: 5.7 Weight: 250 Brown Hair, Green Eyes Baritone kmccoy@stetson.edu Film Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector (feature film) The Waterboy (feature film) Sex & Guilt: A Man’s Tale (ind. feature) [...]
Sample Acting Resume 2
Barrett Scroggs 404.725.7467; 1614 Springer Street Columbus, GA 31901; Barrett.Scroggs@Gmail.com Professional Goal My goal is to continually allow myself to grow as a Theatre Educator while I assist young people to challenge their creativity and to maintain learning. Education Pursuing BsEd, Theatre Education, Columbus State University, Expected Graduation: Fall 2009 Acting Experience The Musical Comedy [...]
Sample Acting Resume 3
WIL KILROY Agency: Talent Management Associates 207-251-0794 Height: 5′9″ Weight: 160 Suit: 40R (207)415-1687 Cell/Voice Mail (207)780-5394 Office/Voice Mail (207)642-4962 Machine Eyes: Blue Hair: Lt. Brown Voice: Baritone TELEVISION The Brotherhood of Poland, NH Babylon 5 The Victim The Bold and The Beautiful All My Children As The World Turns CBS TNT IND CBS ABC [...]
Sample Acting Resume 4
Valerie Ann Lara-Official Acting Resume Contact Information: • Austin, TX • E-mail: valvixen888@yahoo.com Acting qualifications Played Alice in “Who Dun It?” in the fall of 2000 Played Roxanne in “Cyrano De Bergerac” in the spring of 2001 Played Beatrice in “Much Ado About Nothing” in the Spring of 2002 Played Sister Simplicity, Adele, and Madame [...]
Sample Acting Resumes
Ken McCoy actor Chair Dept. of Communication Studies & Theatre Arts Stetson University 421 N. Woodland Blvd., Unit 8374 DeLand, FL 32723 386-822-7528 (office) Height: 5.7 Weight: 250 Brown Hair, Green Eyes Baritone kmccoy@stetson.edu Film Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector (feature film) The Waterboy (feature film) Sex & Guilt: A Man’s Tale (ind. feature) [...]
Sample Acting Resume 2
Barrett Scroggs 404.725.7467; 1614 Springer Street Columbus, GA 31901; Barrett.Scroggs@Gmail.com Professional Goal My goal is to continually allow myself to grow as a Theatre Educator while I assist young people to challenge their creativity and to maintain learning. Education Pursuing BsEd, Theatre Education, Columbus State University, Expected Graduation: Fall 2009 Acting Experience The Musical Comedy [...]
SAMPLE FUNCTIONAL RESUME Sandra J. Kirksy Present Address Permanent Address: 11075 Grand River Ave 345 Maple Street E. Lansing, MI 48823 Rosedale, MI 47389 (517) 351-7703 (313) 484-6965 Employment Objective To obtain a position in public relations, editing, or research that utilizes my communication, analytical, and writing skills. Education Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI [...]
Sample Chronological/Functional Resume
RENNA JIANG <!– /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:Wingdings; panose-1:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; mso-font-charset:2; mso-generic-font-family:auto; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:0 268435456 0 0 -2147483648 0;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:””; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:”Times New Roman”; mso-fareast-font-family:”Times New Roman”;} p {mso-margin-top-alt:auto; margin-right:0in; mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto; margin-left:0in; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:”Times New [...]
SAMPLE FUNCTIONAL RESUME Sandra J. Kirksy Present Address Permanent Address: 11075 Grand River Ave 345 Maple Street E. Lansing, MI 48823 Rosedale, MI 47389 (517) 351-7703 (313) 484-6965 Employment Objective To obtain a position in public relations, editing, or research that utilizes my communication, analytical, and writing skills. Education Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI [...]
Temporary Agencies
Here is a link to temporary job agencies in the DFW area. Hope this helps!
Temporary Agencies
Here is a link to temporary job agencies in the DFW area. Hope this helps!
Teacher Resume
Sample PE Teacher Resume
Assoy The Boy Fly 1234 N. Central; Chicago IL 60060 {773} 555 1232 jkcolby@aol.com Education: B.S., 2002. Physical Education, DePaul University, Chicago, IL Certifications: Illinois Initial Certification in Physical Education, expected July 2002. First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Certification, 1997-present.
Sample Elementary School-I Teacher Resume
Assoy The Boy Fly 1700 Central Avenue ~ Chicago, IL 60000 773.555.9997 mskeller@shrike.depaul.edu CERTIFICATION Illinois Initial Elementary Certificate (Type 03), expected April 2002.
Sample Elementary School-II Teacher Resume
Assoy The Boy Fly 6443 Clarendon Hills Road ~ Flossmoor, Illinois 60514 ~ 708/232.5976 Certification Illinois Initial Elementary Certificate (Type 03), expected July 2002. Middle grade endorsements expected in language arts and social science. Education DePaul University, Chicago, IL Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, June 2002
Sample Teacher Aide position Resume
Assoy The Boy Fly 2225 Lark Lane San Diego, CA 92122 (619) 656-1123 Objective: A Childcare or Teacher Aide position with a private school or day care center.
Teacher Resume
A resume is an important communication tool from you to principals. It lets them know, in a brief written form, about your qualifications and why they should pursue you as a candidate. A resume should be more than just a listing of personal data and work experiences. It should be a sales brochure which markets [...]
Sample English Teacher Resume
Assoy The Boy Fly. Cho 1235 S. Butler Avenue ~ Chicago, Illinois 60660 ~ (773) 400-2080 sacho@students.depaul.edu CERTIFICATION Illinois Initial Secondary Certificate in English, January 2003. Middle grade endorsements expected in Language Arts and Social Studies. EDUCATION DePaul University, Chicago, IL, Bachelor of Arts, December 2002 TEACHING PREPARATION Student Teaching, Fall 2002 Delores Huerta High School, Chicago, [...]
Sample Math Teacher Resume
Assoy The Boy Fly 2727 N. Wildwind Avenue; Chicago IL 60600; 773.777.1000 cmad1@hotmail.com Certification: Illinois Initial Secondary Certificate (Type 09) in Mathematics, expected July 2002. Middle grade endorsement in mathematics. Education: DePaul University, Chicago, IL. Master of Arts in Math Education, expected June 2002. The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Psychology, [...]
Sample History/Social Studies Teacher Resume
Assoy The Boy Fly 1600 South Lancelot Chicago, IL; (773) 123-4567 dadams@aol.com Certifications: Illinois Initial Secondary Certification (Type 09) in History with middle grade endorsements in Social Science and Language Arts, expected July 2002. Illinois Substitute Certification, #1498670. Coaching Certification (American Sport Education Program), December, 2001.Education:Master of Education, DePaul University, Chicago, IL. Expected June 2003. Bachelor of [...]
Sample Foreign Languages Teacher Resume
Assoy The Boy Fly 100 W. Madison Street Chicago IL 60060 773-333-1111 tywalk@jumpstart.com Certification: Illinois Initial Secondary Certification in Spanish, expected April 2002. Endorsements: High School: Social Sciences, Sociology, General Science. Middle Grades: Spanish, Social Sciences, Science. Education: M.Ed., Teaching & Learning, DePaul University, Chicago, IL, expected December 2002. B.S., Political Science, Collins University, Ann Arbor, MI, [...]
Sample English Teacher Resume
Assoy The Boy Fly. Cho 1235 S. Butler Avenue ~ Chicago, Illinois 60660 ~ (773) 400-2080 sacho@students.depaul.edu CERTIFICATION Illinois Initial Secondary Certificate in English, January 2003. Middle grade endorsements expected in Language Arts and Social Studies. EDUCATION DePaul University, Chicago, IL, Bachelor of Arts, December 2002 TEACHING PREPARATION Student Teaching, Fall 2002 Delores Huerta High School, Chicago, [...]
Sample Manager Resume
Sample Manager Resume
Mr Denis XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 800 Houilles, France Telephone: XXXXXXXXXX Mobile: XXXXXXXXXX Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Born on 23-08-1984 Objectives Integrate within a company and may evolve in the trade. Professional experiences 2004 – 2004: Agent versatile McDonald (Houilles, France) Area (s): Hotels – Restaurants Training 2006 – 2007: Bachelor AES – Nanterre Paris X (Nanterre, France) Level [...]
Sample Manager Resume
Mr Denis XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 800 Houilles, France Telephone: XXXXXXXXXX Mobile: XXXXXXXXXX Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Born on 23-08-1984 Objectives Integrate within a company and may evolve in the trade. Professional experiences 2004 – 2004: Agent versatile McDonald (Houilles, France) Area (s): Hotels – Restaurants Training 2006 – 2007: Bachelor AES – Nanterre Paris X (Nanterre, France) Level [...]
Sample Manager Resume
Mr Denis XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 800 Houilles, France Telephone: XXXXXXXXXX Mobile: XXXXXXXXXX Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Born on 23-08-1984 Objectives Integrate within a company and may evolve in the trade. Professional experiences 2004 – 2004: Agent versatile McDonald (Houilles, France) Area (s): Hotels – Restaurants Training 2006 – 2007: Bachelor AES – Nanterre Paris X (Nanterre, France) Level [...]
Sample Web Developer Resume
Sample Web Developer Resume
Objective Looking forward to make a mark and excel in a well renowned organization with core competency, experience and domain expertise, where my abilities, talent, knowledge and skill will significantly contribute to future growth and profitability of the organization and upward mobility. Skill Set Technical: Expert in Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Dreamweaver, HTML, Flash (Animation [...]
Sample Web Developer Resume
Objective Looking forward to make a mark and excel in a well renowned organization with core competency, experience and domain expertise, where my abilities, talent, knowledge and skill will significantly contribute to future growth and profitability of the organization and upward mobility. Skill Set Technical: Expert in Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Dreamweaver, HTML, Flash (Animation [...]
Sample Customer Service Resume
Sample Customer Service Position Resume
Ricky Mondura 2225 Lark Lane San Diego, CA 92122 (619) 656-1123 Objective: Part-time Customer Service position. Abilities and Aptitudes Bilingual: English/Tagalog. Reliable. Willing and able to be dependable and punctual. Honest and very trust worthy. Good attitude. Enjoy working with others. Know how to manage money and prioritize duties. Experienced in working a cash register [...]
Sample Customer Service Position Resume
Ricky Mondura 2225 Lark Lane San Diego, CA 92122 (619) 656-1123 Objective: Part-time Customer Service position. Abilities and Aptitudes Bilingual: English/Tagalog. Reliable. Willing and able to be dependable and punctual. Honest and very trust worthy. Good attitude. Enjoy working with others. Know how to manage money and prioritize duties. Experienced in working a cash register [...]
Sample BPO/KPO/Customer Service Resume
<!– /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:””; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:”Times New Roman”; mso-fareast-font-family:”Times New Roman”;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} /* List Definitions */ @list l0 {mso-list-id:57483789; mso-list-type:hybrid; mso-list-template-ids:2127053400 67698689 67698713 67698715 67698703 67698713 67698715 67698703 67698713 67698715;} @list l0:level1 {mso-level-number-format:bullet; mso-level-text:; mso-level-tab-stop:.25in; [...]
Sample BPO/KPO/Customer Service Resume
<!– /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:””; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:”Times New Roman”; mso-fareast-font-family:”Times New Roman”;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} /* List Definitions */ @list l0 {mso-list-id:57483789; mso-list-type:hybrid; mso-list-template-ids:2127053400 67698689 67698713 67698715 67698703 67698713 67698715 67698703 67698713 67698715;} @list l0:level1 {mso-level-number-format:bullet; mso-level-text:; mso-level-tab-stop:.25in; [...]
Sample Computer Programmer Resume
Sample Computer Programmer Resume
Natalya Kostikina Computer Analyst/Programmer E-mail: ostikina@hotmail.com OBJECTIVE: I’m looking for a position in the information systems field with a growing firm in Boston area (development and maintaining of databases and software with PL/1, JCL, and FoxPro / Visual FoxPro is preferable).
Sample Computer Support Technician Resume
Ricky Mondura 2225 Lark Lane San Diego, CA 92122 (619) 656-1123 Objective: Position as a Computer Support Technician where experience and knowledge will offer opportunities for advancement. Highlights of Qualifications # 7 years of exceptional ability to interpret and problem solve software issues.
Sample Computer Programmer Resume
Natalya Kostikina Computer Analyst/Programmer E-mail: ostikina@hotmail.com OBJECTIVE: I’m looking for a position in the information systems field with a growing firm in Boston area (development and maintaining of databases and software with PL/1, JCL, and FoxPro / Visual FoxPro is preferable). SUMMARY: Solid experience in computer programming including system analysis and design, programming, testing and [...]
Sample Computer Support Technician Resume
Ricky Mondura 2225 Lark Lane San Diego, CA 92122 (619) 656-1123 Objective: Position as a Computer Support Technician where experience and knowledge will offer opportunities for advancement. Highlights of Qualifications 7 years of exceptional ability to interpret and problem solve software issues. Outstanding communication skills, reflecting patience, and solutions to a variety of daily challenges. [...]
Sample Business Resume
Sample Business Resume
Eddie Economics Current Address: 1234 College Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 555-1234 eddie@uncwil.edu Permanent Address: 123 Home Drive Apex, NC 28555 (919) 555-134 EDUCATION 05/2000 University of North Carolina at Wilmington Bachelor of Science, Economics GPA: 3.5 Financed/Earned 75% of College Expenses. COMPUTER SKILLS · Word · SAS · Access · Excel · Lotus 1-2-3 [...]
Sample Business Resume
<!– /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:Wingdings; panose-1:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; mso-font-charset:2; mso-generic-font-family:auto; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:0 268435456 0 0 -2147483648 0;} @font-face {font-family:”Arial Black”; panose-1:2 11 10 4 2 1 2 2 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:swiss; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:647 0 0 0 159 0;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal [...]
Sample Business (MBA) Resume
RENNA JIANG <!– /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:”Arial Black”; panose-1:2 11 10 4 2 1 2 2 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:swiss; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:647 0 0 0 159 0;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:””; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:”Times New Roman”; mso-fareast-font-family:”Times New Roman”;} p {mso-margin-top-alt:auto; margin-right:0in; mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto; margin-left:0in; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:”Times [...]
Sample Business Resume
<!– /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:Wingdings; panose-1:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; mso-font-charset:2; mso-generic-font-family:auto; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:0 268435456 0 0 -2147483648 0;} @font-face {font-family:”Arial Black”; panose-1:2 11 10 4 2 1 2 2 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:swiss; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:647 0 0 0 159 0;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal [...]
Sample Assistant Resume
Miss Assoy The Boy Fly XXXXXXX Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 69,500 BRON, France Telephone: XXXXXXXXXX Mobile: XXXXXXXXXX Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Born 16-06-1982 Objectives A post in human resources Professional experiences 2007 – 2008: Assistant Training Institute at training – UCPA (Lyon, France) Area (s): Tourism – Travel Training Needs Analysis: advisory function on the training course adjusted to the profile Relations with [...]
Sample Manager Resume
Mr Assoy The Boy Fly XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 800 Houilles, France Telephone: XXXXXXXXXX Mobile: XXXXXXXXXX Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Born on 23-08-1984 Objectives Integrate within a company and may evolve in the trade. Professional experiences 2004 – 2004: Agent versatile McDonald (Houilles, France) Area (s): Hotels – Restaurants Training 2006 – 2007: Bachelor AES – Nanterre Paris X (Nanterre, France) Level [...]
Sample Teacher Aide position Resume
Assoy The Boy Fly
2225 Lark Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
(619) 656-1123
Objective: A Childcare or Teacher Aide position with a private school or day care center.
# Successful with the challenge of teaching and supervising groups of children.
# Completed 12 units of Child Development.
# Patient, confident, and committed to providing a quality learning environment.
# Current CPR and First Aid certified.
# Type 35 wpm. Two years of office related experience.
# Bilingual English/Spanish, with full fluency, both written and verbal.
Bonita Elementary School Bonita, CA 2002 -2004
# Organized and prepared course curriculum for first and second grade students.
# Provided leadership and enrichment activities for outdoor activities, working with small groups of children.
# Maintained a professional relationship with parents for parent/teacher consultations, and individual evaluations relating to child performance and academic achievements.
# Performed a variety of clerical duties, answered phones, recorded attendance, prepared packets, duplication of materials and provided general information.
Chaffey Middle School San Diego, CA 2000-2001
Instructor Assistant
# Worked one-on-one with elementary school students with reading and homework.
# Assisted teachers in implementing curriculum and outside activities.
# Mentored children who needed individual attention or care, especially those who were mentally or physically challenged.
# Administered first aid treatment or other procedures when necessary, and monitored condition.
# Answered office phone, filed, typed correspondence, and maintained accurate student files.
Freese Elementary School San Diego, CA 1999-2000
Teacher Aide
# Assisted 1st and 2nd grade children in developing reading comprehension skills.
# supervised and observed children participating in outside group activities, and designated field trips.
# Maintained a cooperative and productive working relationship with children, staff, and parents.
# Served as a role-model providing encouragement and guidance for at risk students.
# Southwestern College Chula Vista, CA 2001 – Present
# Associate in Arts: Child Development 2004
# Certificate: Infant and Toddler Teacher Training 2001
2225 Lark Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
(619) 656-1123
Objective: A Childcare or Teacher Aide position with a private school or day care center.
# Successful with the challenge of teaching and supervising groups of children.
# Completed 12 units of Child Development.
# Patient, confident, and committed to providing a quality learning environment.
# Current CPR and First Aid certified.
# Type 35 wpm. Two years of office related experience.
# Bilingual English/Spanish, with full fluency, both written and verbal.
Bonita Elementary School Bonita, CA 2002 -2004
# Organized and prepared course curriculum for first and second grade students.
# Provided leadership and enrichment activities for outdoor activities, working with small groups of children.
# Maintained a professional relationship with parents for parent/teacher consultations, and individual evaluations relating to child performance and academic achievements.
# Performed a variety of clerical duties, answered phones, recorded attendance, prepared packets, duplication of materials and provided general information.
Chaffey Middle School San Diego, CA 2000-2001
Instructor Assistant
# Worked one-on-one with elementary school students with reading and homework.
# Assisted teachers in implementing curriculum and outside activities.
# Mentored children who needed individual attention or care, especially those who were mentally or physically challenged.
# Administered first aid treatment or other procedures when necessary, and monitored condition.
# Answered office phone, filed, typed correspondence, and maintained accurate student files.
Freese Elementary School San Diego, CA 1999-2000
Teacher Aide
# Assisted 1st and 2nd grade children in developing reading comprehension skills.
# supervised and observed children participating in outside group activities, and designated field trips.
# Maintained a cooperative and productive working relationship with children, staff, and parents.
# Served as a role-model providing encouragement and guidance for at risk students.
# Southwestern College Chula Vista, CA 2001 – Present
# Associate in Arts: Child Development 2004
# Certificate: Infant and Toddler Teacher Training 2001
Sample Office Assistant Resume
Ricky Mondura
2225 Lark Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
(619) 656-1123
Objective: Position as an Office Assistant, allowing for professional growth and advancement opportunities.
# 7 years of clerical and office experience.
# Bilingual: Spanish/English, with full fluency both written and verbal.
# Highly reliable, can be counted on to complete assignments in a timely manner.
# Solid working knowledge of business machines and fast-paced office environment.
# Computer proficient: MS Windows 97/2000, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet, and Outlook
# Type 55 wpm.
Office Experience
# Entered variety of data from rough drafts using various types of computer and customized software.
# Performed multi-task assignments and maintained a good working balance under pressure.
# Prepared file folders and reviewed documents for completeness and accuracy.
# Maintained accurate records and established an efficient filing system to streamline the process.
# Able to operate a wide range of office machines, calculators, and specialized equipment.
# Received, opened and distributed mail and materials to various offices and departments on a daily basis.
# Maintained a high level of confidentiality due to sensitivity of client or student population.
Reporting and Documentation
# Interpreted, compiled, and distributed reports for specific programs or projects.
# Created and entered data using Excel and Access under direction of immediate supervisor.
# Developed customized reports for statistical reporting needs under direction of supervisor.
# Calculated financial aid award amounts for students under grant or project program, for placement eligibility.
Customer Service
# Answered multi-line (8) phone, answered questions, provided information, took accurate messages or transferred calls to appropriate party.
# Provided courteous and friendly bilingual customer service in handling complaints, or concerns from general public, and employers.
# Referred to appropriate supervisor or office when necessary
# Provided assistance to other departments, private industry, or general public, using discretion and diplomacy.
Employment History
# 2002 – 2004 Clerical Aide Southwestern College Chula Vista, CA
# 2000 – 2002 Clerical Assistant Abby Rental Chula Vista, CA
# 1998 – 2000 Office Clerk South County Animal Shelter Bonita, CA
# 1996 – 1998 Operator Discount City San Diego, CA
# 2002 – Present Southwestern College Chula Vista, CA
Major: Business Administration
1998 – 1999 Regional Occupational Programs (ROP) Chula Vista, CA
Certificate: Word Processing
2225 Lark Lane
San Diego, CA 92122
(619) 656-1123
Objective: Position as an Office Assistant, allowing for professional growth and advancement opportunities.
# 7 years of clerical and office experience.
# Bilingual: Spanish/English, with full fluency both written and verbal.
# Highly reliable, can be counted on to complete assignments in a timely manner.
# Solid working knowledge of business machines and fast-paced office environment.
# Computer proficient: MS Windows 97/2000, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet, and Outlook
# Type 55 wpm.
Office Experience
# Entered variety of data from rough drafts using various types of computer and customized software.
# Performed multi-task assignments and maintained a good working balance under pressure.
# Prepared file folders and reviewed documents for completeness and accuracy.
# Maintained accurate records and established an efficient filing system to streamline the process.
# Able to operate a wide range of office machines, calculators, and specialized equipment.
# Received, opened and distributed mail and materials to various offices and departments on a daily basis.
# Maintained a high level of confidentiality due to sensitivity of client or student population.
Reporting and Documentation
# Interpreted, compiled, and distributed reports for specific programs or projects.
# Created and entered data using Excel and Access under direction of immediate supervisor.
# Developed customized reports for statistical reporting needs under direction of supervisor.
# Calculated financial aid award amounts for students under grant or project program, for placement eligibility.
Customer Service
# Answered multi-line (8) phone, answered questions, provided information, took accurate messages or transferred calls to appropriate party.
# Provided courteous and friendly bilingual customer service in handling complaints, or concerns from general public, and employers.
# Referred to appropriate supervisor or office when necessary
# Provided assistance to other departments, private industry, or general public, using discretion and diplomacy.
Employment History
# 2002 – 2004 Clerical Aide Southwestern College Chula Vista, CA
# 2000 – 2002 Clerical Assistant Abby Rental Chula Vista, CA
# 1998 – 2000 Office Clerk South County Animal Shelter Bonita, CA
# 1996 – 1998 Operator Discount City San Diego, CA
# 2002 – Present Southwestern College Chula Vista, CA
Major: Business Administration
1998 – 1999 Regional Occupational Programs (ROP) Chula Vista, CA
Certificate: Word Processing
Communication Resume
Communication Resume TipsCommunication is a filed that covers everything from public relations to broadcast journalism to technical writing. Students who have completed their education in the field of communication have exciting and lucrative career opportunities in front of them.This page provides you with information on how to write a professional resume for communications executive. Communication Resume TemplateTo get complete and detailed information on job options, required qualifications, training, career description and earnings for a job in communications' field, first you have to select from the list given below:
| |
Personal Information:
- Name
- Address
- Cell Phone Number
- Telephone Number
- Web Site (if any)
Job Achievements:
- Job title
- Name of the organization
- Address of the organization
- Telephone number
- Employment Dates
- Achievements/Responsibilities
- Salary
- School
- Degree/Certificate
- Enrollment Dates
- Major/Minor
- Grades
- Extracurricular Activities
- Continuing Education
Special Knowledge, Abilities, Skills:
Here, list your special knowledge, other skills, computer related skills, etc.
Professional Organizations:
Here, write the name and description of professional organizations you have worked with.
You can write about awards and honors you won in your school, college life or at your work places.
Mention all available references under this section.
Pilot Sample Resume
By Assoy The Boy Fly
Having a strong resume is the key to getting the job you want. Remember that the person who receives your resume will only look at it for an average of 15 seconds. It is therefore very important that you are able to emphasize the skills that make you stand out from your peers.
A resume is a summary of your experience and qualifications. Your resume cannot be strong without the proper qualifications. At the same time your qualifications cannot be strong without a proper resume. A resume should only be one page long, so it is important that you include only the most appropriate information.
Print your resume on resume paper. You find resume paper in most office supply stores. Your resume should not be folded or attached to the cover letter, so make sure you also purchase large envelops. If you struggle to make everything fit on one page you can adjust the margins and font size. Do not use a font smaller than 10 points. If you change the margins, make sure that top, bottom, and both sides look balanced. If you still cannot fit everything - see if there is anything you can exclude from your resume. Remember that a resume is a summary, not your life story.
To the right, you see a sample resume that is split into seven sections; header, objective, qualifications, pilot credentials, experience, education, and achievements. We will now take a closer look at these important sections that make a strong pilot resume.
Include your name on the top of your resume in bold letters. If you have a middle name, use your middle initial instead. Example; "James Elroy Bloggs" becomes "James E. Bloggs" on a resume. You do not have to use a large font to make your name stand out.
This should be the address you want the airline to mail any correspondence. Make sure you are able to frequently check the mail at this address. Do not use your mailing address at work and refrain from using a post box address if at all possible.
Many companies today will only accept resumes sent electronically, thus receiving a reply via e-mail is very likely. Use your personal address, not your work e-mail, and make sure it is not too casual. jbloggs@mail.com is a very neutral and personal address while thedude@mail.com is too informal and unprofessional. superstud@mail.com is just embarrassing and will not look good on a resume.
Include the phone number you are most likely to be reached on. As a minimum this phone should have an answering service, like a voicemail or an answering machine, which you check frequently. Make sure your outgoing message convey a professional image. Most likely this is the way an airline will contact you after reading your resume.
When applying for an airline, multi engine hours, turbo-prop/jet hours, second in command time, and hours flow on a specific type should be included. Example of a specific type is "1,200 hours B737-400." Do this when you know the company you are applying for flies a type you have previous experience in. Do not put turbo-prop/jet hours or second in command time under pilot credentials if your experience here is 0. Again, common sense should dictate what break down of flight hours is worth including.
And before you send it - make sure to proof read, check any spelling errors, and have someone else proof read the resume for you. Automated spell checking, like in MS Word, does not guarantee it is free from miss-spellings and grammatical errors.
Never send a resume alone. Make sure it is accompanied by a cover letter. If possible, avoid handwriting on the envelope. All modern printers can make professional looking labels or print directly on the envelope, so take the time to figure out how you do it. Follow these guidelines and your resume should be off to a strong start.
The article and sample resume was written by a professional pilot in conjunction with a professional recruiter. It is intended as guidance only.
A resume is a summary of your experience and qualifications. Your resume cannot be strong without the proper qualifications. At the same time your qualifications cannot be strong without a proper resume. A resume should only be one page long, so it is important that you include only the most appropriate information.
Print your resume on resume paper. You find resume paper in most office supply stores. Your resume should not be folded or attached to the cover letter, so make sure you also purchase large envelops. If you struggle to make everything fit on one page you can adjust the margins and font size. Do not use a font smaller than 10 points. If you change the margins, make sure that top, bottom, and both sides look balanced. If you still cannot fit everything - see if there is anything you can exclude from your resume. Remember that a resume is a summary, not your life story.
To the right, you see a sample resume that is split into seven sections; header, objective, qualifications, pilot credentials, experience, education, and achievements. We will now take a closer look at these important sections that make a strong pilot resume.
1. The Header
This is where you include your name and contact details. The header in our sample resume is only one way to do it. You can set up the header however you like, as long as it looks neat and contain the details listed below.Name
Include your name on the top of your resume in bold letters. If you have a middle name, use your middle initial instead. Example; "James Elroy Bloggs" becomes "James E. Bloggs" on a resume. You do not have to use a large font to make your name stand out.
This should be the address you want the airline to mail any correspondence. Make sure you are able to frequently check the mail at this address. Do not use your mailing address at work and refrain from using a post box address if at all possible.
Many companies today will only accept resumes sent electronically, thus receiving a reply via e-mail is very likely. Use your personal address, not your work e-mail, and make sure it is not too casual. jbloggs@mail.com is a very neutral and personal address while thedude@mail.com is too informal and unprofessional. superstud@mail.com is just embarrassing and will not look good on a resume.
Include the phone number you are most likely to be reached on. As a minimum this phone should have an answering service, like a voicemail or an answering machine, which you check frequently. Make sure your outgoing message convey a professional image. Most likely this is the way an airline will contact you after reading your resume.
2. Objective
Common objectives are "First Officer", "Flight Instructor", or "Airline Pilot". If you are applying to an already advertised position, put the name the airline named the position in the objective field. Do not get too specific if you are submitting a general application. Most airlines will keep your resume on file and call you for an interview when a position opens up. This can sometimes take months.3. Qualifications
This is the most important section on your resume as it contains all of the qualifications that make you eligible for the job. List your highest held certificate, additional certificates that are of relevance to the job, core flying hours, and any type ratings. If you have a college degree, this too should be listed here. Do not list high school, unfinished degrees or diplomas/courses that are not of relevance to the job. Make sure that the requirements listed by the airline are listed in your qualifications section. This is normally how far a pilot recruiter will initially read, so it is important that you at least have the minimum requirements for the job listed in this section.4. Pilot Credentials
In this section, you will break down all your flying hours and list all other certificates that you have not already listed under qualifications. Highlight your total flying hours and put them in bold on top of the other flying hours. It is not necessary to include solo hours, instruction received, number of landings, or simulated instrument. Use common sense and include what you think is necessary.When applying for an airline, multi engine hours, turbo-prop/jet hours, second in command time, and hours flow on a specific type should be included. Example of a specific type is "1,200 hours B737-400." Do this when you know the company you are applying for flies a type you have previous experience in. Do not put turbo-prop/jet hours or second in command time under pilot credentials if your experience here is 0. Again, common sense should dictate what break down of flight hours is worth including.
5. Experience
List all previous work experience as a pilot. The key is to keep it short and easy to read. The last thing you want to do is flood the recruiter with an abundance of detailed information. Include only the highest position attained with a company, what aircraft it was in, and the duration of employment in years. Make the job description short and include where the company is located. Do not include non-flying work experience. A recruiter is not interested in your college job or what you did before you started flying.6. Education
List the highest education you have obtained. If you have a college degree, list the degree and the university where you studied. If you have some college but no degree, you may list the college and the course of study. Also include your Grade Point Average (GPA) if it is higher than 3.0. Do not list your high school or courses of no relevance.7. Achievements
This section is optional and can be omitted if you do not have enough room on your resume. Further, you should not include achievements on your resume if you do not have any. Examples of achievements are honors awards, prices, or any other achievement you believe will make you stand out from others. In our sample resume James Bloggs has won some aerobatic championships.In Summary
Your resume is a sales tool intended to get you an interview for the jobs you have applied for. It does not have to look identical to the sample resume we have provided. Think about the job you are applying for and then set up the resume accordingly. It is ok to have a standardized pilot resume, but making a few adjustments before you send it to an airline may help you gain the recruiters attention. Remember that all airlines do not have the same hiring requirements; therefore your resume will stand a better chance if you tailor it to the airline you are applying for.And before you send it - make sure to proof read, check any spelling errors, and have someone else proof read the resume for you. Automated spell checking, like in MS Word, does not guarantee it is free from miss-spellings and grammatical errors.
Never send a resume alone. Make sure it is accompanied by a cover letter. If possible, avoid handwriting on the envelope. All modern printers can make professional looking labels or print directly on the envelope, so take the time to figure out how you do it. Follow these guidelines and your resume should be off to a strong start.
The article and sample resume was written by a professional pilot in conjunction with a professional recruiter. It is intended as guidance only.
How to Discover and Present Resume Skills in Your Resume
Resume skills have a single priority and this is to market you to potential employers. These skills are necessary for writing resumes that produce results.
Before you attempt to write your resume, you must begin by identifying the skills needed by the employer. The best way to do this is through a preliminary search. Bear in mind that you ought to have a general idea about the employer and specific knowledge about the resume position you are applying to. The more you are aware of what the job is all about, the more you are able to identify the necessary resume skills and the more you are able to tailor the skills in your resume to meet the demands of the employer.To begin with, academic skills are those skills which you acquired while you were in school. Therefore, think of those skills which you underwent in school in the form of training. But make sure that you do not list course. Also, list only those skills which are related to what the employer is in need of. Try to think of any operations or procedures you have undergone. Think of situations you have managed. Also include any research and writing skills you have gained in school. If you find it difficult discovering these skills, recourse to GrandResume.com may be sought for more resume tips.
Continue with skills you have acquired at the workplace. Workplace skills include what you have done. Some of these skills will feature under a list of responsibilities in the work experience section of your resume. Whatever the case, the employer will want to know about every problem you have help to overcome at the workplace, every task you have perfectly completed, every innovation you have devised, every personal skill you have used to relate to the business environment and every honor, award or distinction you have received for any work done. Make sure that every feature you represent under workplace skills are related to the job in question.
Finally, resume skills should end up with personal skills that you can demonstrate. Remember that you may have certain qualities which the employer may find interesting. These may include certain leadership traits as well as financial or planning skills that you can transfer to the new job.
Resume skills should be properly arranged in your resume. Keep in mind that you should help the employer to read through and discover these skills in your resume. Therefore, it will be important to use the appropriate resume format to arrange skills categorically according to the needs of the employer. You can also put together skills using columns with appropriate headings. For more advice on discovering and arranging useful skills in your resume, see GrandResume.com.
Executive Resumes
Executive resumes should always be started with a resume objective.
This type of resume is distinct from every other resume for the simple fact that you are selling what you can do. Therefore, always think of presenting yourself and what you have, to the benefit of the organization.Stand Out Of the Multitude
Strive To Arrest the Interest of the Employer
This is a resume writing strategy which most resume writers fail to grab. Your main objective here is to prove that you can make use of what you have acquired to bring about efficiency. Avoid simply stating that you can do this. Prove to your employer that this can be done because it has been realized in your previous work. By telling the employer that you will be a valuable asset in the organization, you are increasing your chances of being called up for an interview.
Presentation Counts in Business Writing
The employer is not only interested in hiring a person to fill an executive position. Every employer or hiring manager intends to hire a person willing and able to work under instructions. This quality will never be demanded from you; but the organization and presentation of your resume will be used to determine how well organized you are. Remember to use an appropriate resume style or resume format in writing your resume. Using the appropriate format and style shows some elements of your responsibility and dependability.
Executive resumes can only lead to action if they are written and edited properly. When you are done with writing your resume, you will want to stop at every point and make sure that it tells what you intend to say. To effectively appraise the resume you have written, put yourself into the position of a prospective employer. It is evident that you will want to read a short, neat, attractive and grammatically correct resume. Keep in mind that every employer imagines that the resume is a true reflection of the person they intend to hire. Take time to revise and edit as much as necessary if you want your resume to outclass every other resume. GrandResume.com offers more guides for revising and editing resumes.
Sample Resumes – More than Reference Materials
Where can we find sample resumes? If you are going to write your professional resumes, then you need to at least acquire some samples that will help you. Of course you can find thousands of files on the internet but not all of them are actually that reliable. That is why we have established this website to let you gain information about handling resumes, cover letters and CVs. With the daily articles published here, you can easily learn how to write a good resume.
What are the services that you can provide? We have said before that articles here in this website intend to provide you insights and tips on how to compose your job seeker necessary files. But apart from that, you can also download real resumes from our database. We are providing these materials for you to gain the skills in writing your resumes. With these examples, we are expecting that you will be able to build your resume much easier.
Free sample resume
There is also unique assistance that we can provide to you aside from providing your articles and sample resumes. You can actually order for a complete resumes today. We have professional writers who are skilled enough to write your resumes and cover letters. The services that they provide are topnotch and it is guaranteed that you will receive quality papers on time.
If you wish to place an order, simply go to our Order page and fill out the form. Or you may also coordinate with our online reps to assist you in placing an order. This time, you can get the full service of our company to help you increase your chances of getting hired.
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